RE-BATTLE. Intuition vs Intellect.

RE-BATTLE. Intuition vs Intellect.
02.06.2019 admin
In Events

RE-BATTLE. Intuition vs Intellect.

Rap battles used to be popular. Then we watched battles of show business stars, even in verses on Instagram. Now is the time for battles of senses, not people.

On March 28, in St. Petersburg, we presented an absolutely reformative project: RE-BATTLE. It was a battle when two fronts of modern business actors, intuitive holacrates and intellectual capitalists, locked horns seeking the truth.

It’s time to give the final replay in the battle for business!

What happened?
Mind-slam, eduatainment show, inspirating dialogues, a philosophical dispute about contemporary discourse or a dialectic debate – who knows? Either intuition or intellect ruled here.

SOCRATEAM: Grisha Khrabrov & Ilia Bakulev, intuitive holacrates and ideologists of changes, the creators of the Socrateam | Re-former communication marketing platform

Intuition is the ability to directly comprehend the truth without preliminary logical reasoning and unsupported

QUBIT Business Duet: Valery Platonov and Pavel Savchenko, intellectual capitalists and businessmen, the ideologists of the Intellectual Stream project, the authors of the К2В (Knowledge to Business) term, entrepreneurs in the К2В Sector.

“Intellect is the ability to understand and to apply abstract concepts and use their knowledge to manage the environment, as well as to recognise and to solve problems.”

Guests determined the winner!
Voting was open and friendly.

Re-battle: «Интуиция vs Интеллект»

Барабанная бробь…🥁Мы вернулись из Иркутска и полны сил продолжить работу! А начнем с бекстейджа с нашумевшего на весь Питер RE-Battle: Интуиция против Интеллекта, в котором встретились интеллектуальные капиталисты – бизнес-дуэт Кубит и интуитивные холократы Socrateam. Победили истина, дружба и здравый смысл.Всем спасибо, что были с нами. Приятного просмотра!Было не просто круто, было огненно🔥! Уверены, теперь такие мероприятия будем проводить регулярно)⠀⠀#rebattle #socrateam #кубит #работаемголовой #умнымбытьмодно #умнымбытькруто

Опубликовано Бизнес Объединение Кубит Вторник, 9 апреля 2019 г.

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